First Friday Art Walk Sequim
June 1, 2018, 5 – 8 PM
Various Venues in Sequim WA
June 1 Art Walk color theme is WHITE and the whole visible spectrum! White represents inclusive acceptance, hope, open minds, pure and thoughtful actions, friendly impressions, and blank canvases that are receptive to any positive vision. Because white is actually all the colors of the rainbow, multi-color enchantment is in the air with blowing bubbles, the wearing of fairy wings, and spreading glittery pixie dust is encouraged! It is a chance to dress in white and rainbow colors be magical, shiny, and show off every color of the visible spectrum! Bright tye-dyes are perfect!
First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5 – 8 PM. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.
Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by unique as you / Renne Emiko Brock. If you would like to participate in the First Friday Art Walk Sequim, please contact Renne directly at or through
June 1 special events during the First Friday Art Walk Sequim:
Forage Gifts & Northwest Treasures at 121 W Washington Street is hosting a launch party to unveil its own unique brand of postcards created from local photographers during the art walk. They are excited to present the selected photos and photographers and announce the winners of our Official Photo Contest.
Rainshadow Café at 157 W Cedar St. has live music with band Antbath! This 4 piece instrumental band out of Port Angeles takes its cues from early surf music, Lo-Fi garage rock, and modern psychedelia. Warning excessive Reverb! Their full menu will be available including some specialty small eats, flat breads, beer, wine, and, of course, the peninsula’s best coffee roasted on site.

The Sequim Library at 630 N Sequim Avenue has an artist reception for Pamela Hastings celebrating the opening of the new Art in the Library exhibit at 6:00 PM, immediately preceding the performance at 6:30 PM by Just In Tyme. Pamela Hastings is a sculptor, painter, writer, and teacher. Especially known for her work with life-change via doll making, her book, “Doll Making as a Transformative Process”, is used in art therapy courses in the US and Australia. This new Art in the Library exhibit features painted portraits. Just In Tyme plays memorable hit tunes of the ‘40s, ‘50s and ‘60s. Just In Tyme blends the sweet sounds of gospel by vocalist Mary Charles, lush harmonies with jazz vocalist Olga Palenga, all around musicianship of Becky McKinley, Richard Crowell on electric guitar, and Sandi Lockwood on drums and keyboard.

City Arts Advisory Commission (CAAC) invites the public to the Sequim Civic Center at 152 W. Cedar Street for the opening of “Metamorphosis: An Exhibition of Fiber Art” presented by the members of the North Peninsula Chapter of the Surface Design Association (SDA) from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Works include quilts, felted pieces, fiber jewelry, hand weaving, garments, and other fiber mixed media. Light refreshments and snacks will be available. The Surface Design Association is an international community engaged in the creative exploration of fiber and fabric. The North Peninsula chapter is a diverse group of fiber artists who live in and around the Olympic Peninsula. With more than 30 artists and crafts people, they work in media ranging from bookmaking to quilting to fiber sculpture and beyond.

Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St. is showcasing Jan Kepley’s photography along with Cort Armstrong, a local musician know for singing the blues, some folk and a little bit of old tyme music, is performing 7 to 9 PM while you and your friends enjoy award winning artfully crafted wines.

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. presents “21 & Having Fun” with Greg Felando and Nancy Lawrence, veteran member artists, curating the group show in the front windows with premier pieces. The show is a celebration of rich variety and contrasting styles, focusing on “having fun.” On June 14, 1997, the Blue Whole Gallery, an artists’ co-op with 43 founding members opened its doors. What started as “an experiment in excellence, a fine art gallery of professional artists pursuing creative originality” has continued and thrived to this day. Current membership includes painters, photographers, digital artists, sculptors, potters, fiber and gourd artist, and jewelry artists. As they begin their 21st year, they renew their commitment to present new and exciting shows with quality and originality. With thanks to enthusiastic supporters of the community, the Blue Whole Gallery will continue to bloom.
Delight in white and spectrum blooms! Along with locally crafted brews, the Peninsula Taproom at 210 W. Washington St., Suite 4 has added a flower bar component to the taproom!
Olympic Theatre Arts at 414 N Sequim Avenue Sequim Ballet returns to Olympic Theatre Arts for a First Friday evening of originally choreographed dance at 6:00 PM in the Gathering Hall during the art walk. Advanced ballet students Saige Turner and Eleanor Byrne have choreographed their own dances to music they have selected themselves (“Gravity” performed by Sara Bareilles, and “Work Song” performed by Hozier. respectively), as well as dance to a duet to “Everywhere I Go” performed by Sleeping At Last, choreographed by Sequim Ballet director Laurel Herrera. First Friday Art Walk Sequim at OTA is always free to the public, where the snack and beverage bar will be open.
Herrera has choreographed more songs for intermediate ballet students, including a duet to “Moon River” sung by Audrey Hepburn and “Somewhere Only We Know”, performed by Lily Allen. “The theme of the Evening of Dance is ‘I Choose You’, says Herrera. ” I Choose You” is a song about believing in the magic of being together with someone you love. I always want to choose music to inspire my dancers to be better people and inspire our audience. I also want to encourage my dancers to be there for each other….be that angel that someone needs at that moment.” The performances final dance, “I Choose You” by Sara Bareilles, will bring our theme home. All of our dancers will be joined by 3 actors from our “Dance for Actors” class which explores basic ballet, tap and jazz used on stage.” Music and narrations by the dancers and actors will also be enjoyed during the performance. Madelyn Pickens will offer her version of Taylor Swift’s poem “Holding On” and Celeste (last name?) will be included with her lively readings, and Teija Dumdei will sing “The Rainbow Connection” and will be accompanied by her mother Melissa Dumdei on the piano.
Find one of a kind treasures at Cedarbrook Lavender Farm’s Vintage Trunk & Furniture Sale at 134 W Washington St. during the Art Walk!

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you for your support!

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.
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