Celebrate creativity and collaboration by supporting local artists and Arts organizations you love! Enjoy artistic demonstrations, performances, and direct sales with artists on Saturday, November 27 in Sequim WA!

Sequim pARTners include Blue Whole Gallery, First Friday Art Walk Sequim, North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival, Olympic Arts Theatre, Olympic Peninsula Art Association, Peninsula College, Sequim City Arts Advisory Commission, Sequim Museum & Arts, and many more are welcome!

Blue Whole Gallery will be open 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM and will have artist demonstrating pottery on a portable wheel, a couple of artists working on easels outdoors from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM at 129 W Washington St.
The Blue Whole Gallery is a Cooperative Gallery. Opened in June, 1997, the Blue Whole Gallery brings together more than 35 well-known and emerging Northwest artists in a creative celebration of fine art. Works created by our members are as varied and invigorating as the natural splendor of the Olympic Peninsula. The Gallery has hosted workshops, demonstrations, and exhibitions, and our artists have participated in many art and community events since that time. https://bluewholegallery.com/

Sea Glass Artist and Author, Mary Beth Beuke, Artist Lynn Baritelle, and Artist and Author Renne Emiko Brock will be selling their unique jewelry and fiber art at the Sequim Museum & Arts 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at 544 N Sequim Avenue. Both Mary Beth and Renne will have their books available.

The Annual North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival is an interactive fiber arts event connecting to the community with activities like a museum exhibition, workshops, educational demonstrations of fiber processes, hands-on projects with children and adults, Fiber Arts Market of local artists work and fiber supplies, lectures, and information about local fiber activities, groups, businesses, and instructional resources.

Started in 2005, the North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival is an opportunity to experience positive inclusion, creative expression, and the economic enterprise of art. Always encouraging genuine growth and artistic integrity, most activities are free to the public and all forms of fiber art are welcome.
Founded in 1976, the Sequim Museum & Arts has an art gallery and is home to the Manis Mastodon tusks and bones which were found at an early human encampment located on the present day Manis Farm, famous as one of the first-known contact between humans with a mastodon 13,000 years ago. https://www.sequimmuseum.com/

Olympic Theatre Arts Center announces the beginning of a new tradition: “Tale Spinners”, a comfortable, safe storytelling. At 1:30 PM, OTA Tale Spinners storytelling theme is “Moments of Gratitude”. Storytellers and listeners will meet in the Gathering Hall, a newly revamped, nimble and cozy space for intimate events. https://www.olympictheatrearts.org

Olympic Peninsula Art Association will be around town sharing details about their nonprofit and upcoming OPAA Winter Members’ Art Show & Sale Fundraiser at the Sequim Museum & Arts opening December 1.
Olympic Peninsula Art Association, OPAA (formerly Sequim Arts) is a non-profit arts organization located on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State since 1969. OPAA provides a forum where artists encourage each other and promote the understanding and appreciation of art for the benefit of members and the community by means of meetings, exhibits, demonstrations, newsletter, and various other educational programs.
The annual Members’ Art Show & Sale demonstrates both the variety of media interests and the diversity in artistic talents of OPAA’s membership. Visit the live and online show. Find more information on the website at https://opaagroup.org

City of Sequim City Arts Advisory Commission hosts artist Marina Shipova, Artist Fellow for the Sequim Understory Project, will have a book signing event at the Civic Center Plaza, 152 West Cedar Street, from 1:00 – 3:00 PM. The “Olympic Peninsula” books are offered as a non-profit, limited edition and her photographs will also be on display in the gallery. Marina states, “My goal is to use my camera as a painting tool, to paint new uncharted worlds, as a place of self-discovery, and most importantly, the grounds for telling new (untold) stories.”
The price of Marina Shipova’s book is $25. For those who wish to purchase a book, cash and checks only will be accepted forms of payment. Checks should be made out to the City of Sequim.
Marina Shipova’s exhibit will be on display in the Karen Kuznek-Reese Gallery in the lobby of the Civic Center, 152 W. Cedar Street, from mid-November through January 2022. The Civic Center lobby is open during business hours 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. The exhibit includes a digital presentation of Ms. Shipova’s work on a large screen that can be viewed through the southern window of the Civic Center lobby at any time.
From 1:00 – 3:00 PM, enjoy a Live Music Jam with the Arts Commission that will bring musical instruments to set up at the Civic Center Plaza overhang with information table with upcoming art exhibits and Sunshine Festival Save the Date information. https://www.sequimcityarts.com/

Sequim Home Town Holidays at Centennial Place on the corner of Sequim Ave and Washington St. Each year Santa comes to downtown Sequim via horse-drawn carriage, historic tractor, or antique fire truck! Families can have their pictures taken with the man in red!
The festivities also mark “Small Business Saturday” and the local merchants will be enticing you to their shops to find all sorts of great gifts, stocking stuffers, hold some raffles/contests as well as offer some refreshments! The evening will culminate in a tree-lighting ceremony where you can enter the “number of lights” contest where you might win a gift certificate to spend at a local business that night! Immediately after, there will be a lighted tractor parade organized by the Sequim Museum & Arts.

Choose Local Sequim When you purchase from locally owned businesses, more money stays in our community, providing better services and a more unique place to live. https://www.facebook.com/chooselocalsequim

Thank you very much for your kindness and support! Please join us for First Friday Art Walk Sequim Events year round!