Fiber Arts and Orange Themed October 4 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Spices Up an Evening of Art

Fiber Arts and Orange Themed October 4 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Spices Up an Evening of Art

First Friday Art Walk Sequim

October 4, 5:00 – 8:00 PM

Various Locations in Sequim

October 4 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Color Theme is ORANGE! Orange is one of the brighter colors in fall as summer fades away. Orange is warm, spicy, energizing, appetizing, sweet, zesty, and inspires optimism and active participation. The hospitable hue of orange reminds us of cozy fires, snuggly seasonal sweaters, nesting and organizing, friendship made out of admirable interests, delightful sweets, encouraging teachers and mentors. You will find works of art and folks supporting the option to dress in shades of orange or spicy fall colors as they enjoy an evening on the town with friends and family.

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art.

Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

Special Events for October 4:

Explore the 19th Annual North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival fiber arts exhibition “Sublime Marvel – Splendor, Enterprise, & Awe” at the Sequim Museum & Arts at 544 N Sequim Avenue, Sequim WA. During the Art Walk reception, many fiber artists and fiber arts advocates will be demonstrating their passion and artistry. “Sublime Marvel – Splendor, Enterprise, & Awe” artists include Lora Armstrong, Aaron Asselin, Renne Emiko Brock, Jordan Carter, Caroline Evergreen, Liisa Fagerlund, Mary Lou Giacomelli, Lynn Gilles, Jennifer Harris, Estelle Jackson, Connie McGuire, Robin Nelson, Sew `n Sews, Marla Varner, Prabha Werner, and Jean Wyatt.

“Catching the Splash” by Prabha Werner

The exhibition’s theme supports the enrapturing beauty and inspiring awe of inclusive, fostering fiber mediums that motivate earth-moving collaboration, and build super friendships to create opportunities to learn, exhibit, and potentially build small businesses. Admiration of toil and talent cultivates the evolution of excellence within one’s personal journey, learning and expressing themselves uniquely while being supportive of the efforts of fellow artists. Striving for wonder and encouragement, we celebrate fiber artists who boldly share their art with courage and fortitude, open to both copying and constructive criticism. Their hero’s arc includes the strength of inquisitiveness, leading to the surprising beauty of growing imagination and the capability to compose original creations using fused fibers, artistic adventures, and superpowers for good.

The festival includes the First Friday Art Walk Sequim Reception on October 4 from 5:00 – 8:00 PM with fiber arts demonstrations and sales and on Saturday, October 5 with another opening reception 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.

The 19th Annual North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival is an opportunity to experience positive inclusion, creative expression, encouraged education, the economic enterprise of art, and fostering fiber arts.

The A. Milligan Art Studio & Gallery at 520 N. Sequim Avenue is full of colorful original paintings of area artists, Suzan Noyes joins artist and gallery owner Anne Milligan in the Main Gallery this month. Many of you have enjoyed Suzan’s scenic paintings onstage at the Olympic Theatre Arts Center in Sequim, but that’s only a small sample of her artistic abilities. Suzan has worked in the advertising world as a colorist and illustrator; and as a muralist with her works adorning various city walls. Her fine artwork has been exhibited in numerous solo shows and juried exhibitions over the past forty years. She most enjoys painting natural subjects such as trees, foliage, florals, landscapes and seascapes. Suzan says, “Nature attracts me with ever-changing lights and darks, these lend drama to simple views. The texture of bark and play of sun on leaf and water always stops me for a sketch or photographs. Back in my studio, one vignette will stand out, make me grab my pastels – this is what I love sharing with others.”

Anne has had her fingers immersed in art and design since she could wield a crayon. After studying fashion design in New York City, she went on to design costumes for avante garde off-off Broadway productions. She’s etched commissioned works into granite with diamond scribes; and created plans for highly functional cabinetry as an interior designer. During several years of traveling, she painted commissioned portraits on her laptop before finally landing in her current studio in Sequim. An award-winning artist, her paintings have been juried into regional and international exhibitions, and her works hang in private collections across the country and in Europe. Anne says,” When I paint, I’m trying to capture that ethereal breath that brings life to the canvas and makes it more than just the painting itself. For me, the measure of a successful painting is a smile, a laugh, a look that conveys a sense of familiarity, of connection. It’s that signal from the viewer that, through this silent language, my painting has spoken to them.”

These two seasoned artists have very different approaches to painting in the pastel medium and this exhibit showcases their own unique styles and hand. Often a misunderstood medium, “pastel” refers to the form of the paint (in this case a dry, solid pigment) as opposed to the colors of the painting itself. It’s a versatile medium and can be used as a drawing tool or like a paint brush; wet or dry, and in combination with watercolor, ink, or acrylic paint, to name but a few.

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. has the show Bright and Beautiful featuring Terri Biondolino, Jeff Considine, Laura Moore, Nancy Peet, Shayna Robnett, and Randy Tierney. What do an environmental specialist, a CPA, a dentist, a mother, an animal shelter cofounder, and a product development specialist all have in common? They all recently joined Blue Whole Gallery as artists.

Their art is as diverse as their former and, in one case, current careers. They all share a passion for beauty, color and of course art. Nancy Peet, Shayna Robnett and Randy Tierney are all painters. Nancy is a watercolorist focusing on bright florals. Shayna’s art reflects her love of the Peninsula in landscape oils.

Randy’s work is based in the Sumi painting style and tradition. Terri Biondolino’s expertise is centered in a challenging form of porcelain, specifically colored clay known as Nerikomi. Jeff Considine designs and creates unique wooden boxes. Laura Moore uses everything she sees in nature to design and create her jewelry.

Get Spicy! Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St. has unique art including glass, pottery, illustration, and photography of local artists. You can also find artful, creative tea blends, colorful and fun teapots and cups, and cheerful culinary gifts.

Forage Gifts & Northwest Treasures at 121 W Washington Street features David Rogers of Maddie’s Mushrooms. The farm grows and propagates gourmet mushrooms available at local farmer’s market and served at restaurants around the Olympic Peninsula. Come by and chat with David about the upcoming Olympic Peninsula Fungi Festival, October 17-20.

Pacific Mist Books at 122 West Washington Street hosts horror author, book editor, and creative podcaster Clay Vermulm. The bookstore features copies of Clay’s debut novella, Crevasse, his short story collection Blue Rare, and two collections of short stories edited by Clay! Pacific Mist Books shares the love of reading and offers an eclectic mix of new and vintage books, cards, and gifts including local authors and artists.

From 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Rainshadow Café at 157 West Cedar Street has live music with Dawn & Steve. Come sing your favorite songs with a full menu and drinks to enjoy. Some dancing is encouraged too.

La Petite Maison Blanche at 213 E Washington St. features artwork, uniquely curated gifts, treats throughout the shop, and culinary goodies to add zest to your life.

Sofie’s Flowers is now at 127 W Washington St. with artful blooms, delightful home décor, and local artists’ creations.

Over the Fence, a destination home and garden store, at 118 E. Washington St. is hosting one of their local makers.

Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St. enjoy award winning artfully crafted wines and appetizing tidbits.

Soup in the Alley at 138 W Washington features a rotation of local artists, live music, and treats.

Alder Wood Bistro at 139 W Alder St. has artisan wood-fired local, seasonal, organic food in the heart of Sequim.

Locally created gifts don Cedarbrook Lavender Gift Shop at 120 W Washington Street has charming farm fresh lavender creations, treats, and inspired vintage décor items.

Pacific Pantry at 229 S Sequim Avenue is open until 7:00 PM and hosts a rotation of local artists.

The River House Bakery & Cafe at 120 W. Bell Street hosts local artists with delicious food and bakery items.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you for your support!

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

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Stroll on the Sunny Side of the Street during the August 2 Yellow Themed Sequim First Friday Art Walk

Stroll on the Sunny Side of the Street during the August 2 Yellow Themed Sequim First Friday Art Walk

First Friday Art Walk Sequim

August 2, 5:00 – 8:00 PM

Various Locations in Sequim

“Leave your worry on the doorstep, Just direct your feet, On the sunny side of the street.” Stroll or dance in the summer sunshine with the yellow theme color for the August Art Walk! Yellow shines brightly like the sun fueling our world with renewing energy and encourages clear, creative communication. The positive intensity of yellow represents expressive enthusiasm, joyful happiness, positive friendships, and empowers collective generosity, goodwill, and integrity. Everyone is encouraged to wear yellow or cheerful, fun, Aloha print apparel during the Art Walk to celebrate our Sunny Sequim! 

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art.

Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

Special events for August 2:

The Sequim Museum & Arts at 544 N Sequim Avenue features in the Judith McInnes Tozzer Art Gallery is the Peninsula Art Quilters’ “Capturing Stories with Thread” exhibition. The Peninsula Art Quilters are a group of adventurous quilters who delight in creating original quilt and fiber art designs and continually expanding their repertoire of quilting techniques. They combine artistic skills and mixed media with quilting. They meet every month to learn from each other and challenge ourselves with artistic themes. Peninsula Art Quilters are a sub-group of the larger Sunbonnet Sue Quilt Club of the Olympic Peninsula.

Exhibition artists include Norma Herbold, Beverly Beighle, Marianne Nolte, Anne Davies, Gladis Marr, Marca Davies, Mary-Lou Giacomelli, Prabha Werner, Barbara Johnson, Carol Geer, Helga Barton, and Jane Kirby.

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. features “What a Wonderful World” with artists Janet Piccola and Jolene Sanborn. These two close friends have so much in common, they call each other “sister”. One passion they share is their love of travel and experiencing this amazing planet. Those experiences inform all aspects of their lives, especially their art. Janet, a potter, was recently in the Middle East. While traveling in Turkey, she was invited to take a turn at a pottery wheel. The wheel was not the usual electric wheel she works on at home but a kick wheel powered by the use of her leg and foot. This was a new and challenging experience for her. She returned from the trip with new ideas and designs she is using in one of her favorite methods in pottery Sgraffito. Janet’s work is functional as well as beautiful.

Jolene spent many hours in June, studying the colors in clouds and sunsets over a lake in Canada while listening to Sandhill Cranes. Of course, she had a fly rod in her hand at the time. She too catalogues her experiences for use in her art at a later time. Those familiar with her work have seen her paintings of the otter, black lab and an old log cabin. These paintings and many more are the result of experiences while fly fishing on a Canadian lake. The value these two women share is their love of the planet and its beauty and unique people.

The A. Milligan Art Studio & Gallery at 520 N. Sequim Avenue is hosting the “Plein Air Inspirations” exhibit with Jinx Bryant, Joyce Hester, Marian Morris, and Roger Morris just in time for summer. Each of our artists expresses a deep affinity for painting in the open air, though their styles and individual interpretations are delightfully varied. The artworks in the show range from pieces painted entirely on site; works that were begun outside and finished in the studio; to pieces painted solely in the studio, yet inspired by the experiences of the artist’s plein air sessions. As always, while you’re visiting with our artists and friends in the Main Gallery, feel free to take a look around the corner into Anne Milligan’s Pastel Studio for a peek at her works in progress, and see some of her finished pieces on display in the Digital Studio. The A. Milligan Art Gallery is located across from the High School, between the Olympic Theatre Arts Center and the Sequim Museum and Arts Center. Many thanks to the Sequim Museum for graciously offering the designated parking area on the south side of their building for any overflow parking.

Artist, Jinx Bryant, says, “…I love the initial excitement, when light describes an object, a scene, a sound, and I can think of nothing else until I sketch the concept, start the painting…set in motion the creative process.” The Sequim artist has won several awards and says her work is created to carry the viewer beyond first impressions with a subtleness discovered in the details.

Port Townsend’s, Joyce Hester, is an award-winning representational oil painter. She says of her practice,” I’d rather be someplace else. Not in a meeting…in a line or at a desk…my thoughts regularly return to another place and time…and allow me to be there. To linger there. This is my muse, my inspiration: to be someplace else. Some call it daydreaming, I call it art making. Want to come along?”

To Sequim artist, Marian Morris, capturing the essence of being on site in the moment is her inspiration to put paint to canvas. With a background in biotechnology as well as her lifelong study of art, she’s found the perfect marriage of her creativity and her love of nature in venturing to the great outdoors with her paints and easel in hand.

Lifetime artist and photographer, Roger Morris was allured by the plein air muse when he met up with a Port Townsend based group in 2009. He’s painted in oil, acrylics, and now in digital paint. Working from his iPad, he sets his focus to distill his subject down to the qualities that will make a good design and an intriguing painting. He moves quickly to keep a freshness about his work, capturing the soul of the scene before him while intentionally leaving room for the viewer’s interpretation.

Forage Gifts & Northwest Treasures at 121 W Washington Street features an Evening with Sticks ‘n Stones artist Diane Fatzinger. She creates sweet stories as stone shadow boxes often expressed as delightful Wee Pebble Art. Forage also features local artists and inspired gifts by our state and the Olympic Peninsula.

Pacific Mist Books at 122 West Washington Street hosts award winning children’s book author and retired Coast Guard helicopter pilot, Darcy Guyant. Stationed in Port Angeles for 8 years, Darcy now writes children’s books about USCG rescue missions, based on his real-life experiences. 

At the City of Sequim Civic Center at 152 W. Cedar Street, the City Arts Advisory Commission hosts the opening reception of “To Feel, Focus on Texture” on view in the Karen Kuznek-Reese Gallery. At the same time from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, the First Friday Open Music Jam happens. Bring your acoustic instrument and/or your voice and join us for an informal gathering of people who like to make music.

Sofie’s Flowers is now at 127 W Washington St. with artful blooms and has joined the art walk in their new location downtown. Their artist during the art walk is their very own floral designer Sharrai M. She will have beautiful tropical arrangements on display and will also be doing live designing demonstrations throughout the evening.

From 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Rainshadow Café at 157 West Cedar Street has live music with Dawn & Steve. Come sing your favorite songs with a full menu and drinks to enjoy. Some dancing is encouraged too.

From 5:30 to 7:30 PM, Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County’s Sequim Habitat Boutique Store at 213 E Washington St. has fabulous live music with Reckless Dove!

Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St. has unique art including glass, pottery, illustration, and photography of local artists. You can also find artful, creative tea blends, colorful and fun teapots and cups, and cheerful culinary gifts.

Soup in the Alley at 138 W Washington features a rotation of local artists, live music, and treats.

Alder Wood Bistro at 139 W Alder St. has artisan wood-fired local, seasonal, organic food in the heart of Sequim.

Locally created gifts don Cedarbrook Lavender Gift Shop at 120 W Washington Street has delightful farm fresh lavender creations, treats, and inspired vintage décor items.

The River House Bakery & Cafe at 120 W. Bell Street hosts local artists with delicious food and bakery items.

Pacific Pantry at 229 S Sequim Avenue is open until 7:00 PM and hosts a rotation of local artists.

Wild Goddess Brews-n-Bites at 145 E Washington Street Suite D has small bites, salads, dips, and boards. Have a comfy seat and enjoy a wide selection of beverages along with delightful live music with J.F.A. from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.

La Petite Maison Blanche at 213 E Washington St. features uniquely curated gifts and festive treats throughout the shop and hear live music with Kate Lily.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you for your support!

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

Please join our Facebook Page

Thank you very much and remember you can wear your Aloha designs instead of yellow to show off your sunny side!

April 5 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Flourishes and Flocks with the Pink Theme and BirdQuest Matching Game

April 5 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Flourishes and Flocks with the Pink Theme and BirdQuest Matching Game

First Friday Art Walk Sequim

April 5, 2024 5:00 to 8:00 PM

Various Locations Around Sequim

April 5 Art Walk Color Theme is PINK! Spring flaunts hope and high spirits with the return of bright flowers and fluttering feathered friends as April’s First Friday Art Walk Sequim bursts with PINK as the theme color that represents congenial care, productive promises, encouragement, sweet delight, supportive strength, and kind, comforting assurance. You will find works of art and folks supporting the option to dress in all spring shades of pink from strong burgundy to soft blush for the evening out on the town. You might see some pink flamingos too!

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art.

Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

Special events for April 5:

It’s time for BirdFest BirdQuest! You can play BirdFest-BirdQuest which runs through April and is sponsored by Sequim-Dungeness Chamber of Commerce Merchants’ Group. During the First Friday Art Walk, you can find these fine art feathered friends at several locations. BirdFest-BirdQuest: a fun free game for everyone that brings together high school students, merchants and the community to support the Olympic Bird Festival and encourages shopping local. Find and match the ceramic bird sculptures created by Sequim High School ceramics students to the business where they are hidden. Game cards available at and can be returned to each of the participating merchants and the Sequim Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center at 1192 E Washington St.

At the Sequim Museum & Arts, 544 N. Sequim Avenue in the Judith McInnes Tozzer Art Gallery, visit Phil Tauran’s “Moments of life” collection. Phil is a French photographer based in Sequim since 2011. “Moments of Life” is a sort of retrospective of his work as an artist in search of creativity and light. This study includes photos spanning a period of around ten years, including his latest creations. Interested from the beginning by the magic of black and white, Phil mainly developed his fascination for landscapes and in particular trees, and also street photography. Phil explains, “Everything I photograph, I do it in the moment, and these moments are precious to me, because sometimes they are impossible to reproduce. You only have one chance. As a photographer you must be ready: your mind, your soul and of course your eyes must work in harmony. This is the secret, and it is also valid for all artistic creations.”

The A. Milligan Art Studio & Gallery at 520 N. Sequim Ave features the artworks of Patricia Warner and Cat Stanfield. Patricia Warner is an engineer by trade and an artist by heart. She is originally from Massachusetts, but now enjoys her home in Sequim. She paints in an expressionist manner and her self-immersed approach to painting involves layering, scraping, using various found tools and her fingers to manipulate her surfaces and materials. Her works are based on real and imagined landscapes and her creations have an organic, familiar feel. Patricia says, “I’m influenced by the connections in nature; the way colors, shapes and textures connect and how these all combine to make a connection with my viewer.”

Cat Stanfield has been an artist since childhood. She studied Fine Arts and Interior Design at the Design Institute of San Diego. Her work as a professional model with Elite Model Agency took her to New York City and Paris, where she was immersed in the beautifully sophisticated world of high fashion and design; all of which influence the appealing modern aesthetic apparent in her current works. Her ‘SeaRenity” collection is a series of mixed media pieces in an abstract expressionism style. Living close to the water in San Diego and now in the Pacific Northwest, Cat says of her collection, “I have a deep appreciation for the awe-inspiring beauty, vastness and energy of the ocean. Its power seems infinite and eternal.” While you’re visiting the Gallery, have a look around the corner into Anne Milligan’s Pastel Studio to see what’s new on her easel this month. Anne’s painting style is described as impressionistic-realism and her paintings are a pleasant contrast and compliment to the imaginative abstracts in the Main Gallery. The A. Milligan Art Gallery is across from the High School, between the Olympic Theatre Arts Center and the Sequim Museum and Arts Center. Many thanks to the Sequim Museum for graciously offering the designated parking area on the south side of their building for any overflow parking.

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. presents artwork by painter Mary Franchini and bead worker Jennifer Rose. Mary, whose art is her chosen work, presents pieces this month which highlight color and light. She states, “My pieces can be called many things, but fun, abstract or tempering chaos may describe what I do.” Daily she can be found in her happy place, her studio, creating with acrylics and mixed media.

Pink Wave by Jennifer Rose

Jennifer’s medium is bead work and her work is full of color and sparkle. Much of her inspiration comes from nature. Rose shares “I love incorporating themes from nature into my work.”  Bird shapes and feathers are often presented within her work. Each piece is exquisite and unique, displaying a high attention to detail.

Pacific Pantry at 229 S Sequim Avenue is open until 7:00 PM and features talented artist Mahina Hawley. She shares, “I became a photographer in 2006 and specialize in high school senior, newborn, family, and individual/business portrait photography. I got my degree in studio art, with an emphasis in oil painting, which gives me a unique and artistic perspective on photography. I love to play with light and details, and my mind is constantly open to trying new and creative things.” Mahina Hawley was the 2023 Sunshine Festival featured artist.

From 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Rainshadow Café at 157 West Cedar Street has live music with Dawn & Steve. Come sing your favorite songs with a full menu and drinks to enjoy. Some dancing is encouraged too.

The River House Bakery & Cafe at 120 W. Bell Street hosts local artist with delicious food and bakery items. This month the North Olympic Watercolor collective, North Olympic Watercolorist (NOW), presenting artists are Terri Adams, Gayle Brauner, Annette Clem, Connie Drysdale, James Gift, Shannon Goose, Marilyn Hiestand, and Sue Rescigna.

Wild Goddess Brews-n-Bites at 145 E Washington Street Suite D has small bites, salads, dips, and boards. Have a comfy seat and enjoy a wide selection of beverages along with delightful live music.

Forage Gifts & Northwest Treasures at 121 W Washington St. is featuring artist Pat Reichner of Pacific Northwest Natural Designs. Explore his woodworking and his old-world craftsman style of bird sculptures. Forage features local and regional gifts and treats from around the area. Check out their unique creations full of Pacific Northwest and Sequim pride.

Pacific Mist Books at 122 West Washington Street is hosting Carol Pearson with Lizzie Betz Jewelry! Utilizing beautifully handcrafted pieces using semi-precious stones and a whole lot of talent. Pacific Mist Books shares the love of reading and offers an eclectic mix of new and vintage books, cards, and gifts including local authors and artists.

Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St. features live music with Mixed Company from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. An energetic merging of guitar, bass and violin, blended into a wide range of genres, creating unique styles of folk, jazz, Irish, bluegrass and sweet classics from around the world. While at Wind Rose, enjoy award winning artfully crafted wines and appetizing tidbits.

La Petite Maison Blanche at 213 E Washington St. features uniquely curated gifts and festive treats throughout the shop to keep you in the pink.

From 5:30 to 7:30 PM, Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County’s Sequim Habitat Boutique Store at 213 E Washington St. has fabulous live music with OG!

Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St. has unique art including glass, pottery, illustration, and photography of local artists. You can also find artful, creative tea blends, colorful and fun teapots and cups, and cheerful culinary gifts.

Over the Fence, a destination home and garden store, at 118 E. Washington St. is hosting one of their local makers.

Locally created gifts don Cedarbrook Lavender Gift Shop at 120 W Washington Street has delightful farm fresh lavender creations, treats, and inspired vintage décor items.

Soup in the Alley at 138 W Washington features a rotation of local artists, live music, and treats.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you for your support!

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

Please join our Facebook Page Thank you very much!

Glimmering Optimism with Gold Theme for December 1 First Friday Art Walk Sequim

Glimmering Optimism with Gold Theme for December 1 First Friday Art Walk Sequim

First Friday Art Walk Sequim

December 1, 5:00 – 8:00 PM

Various Venues in Sequim WA

December 1 Sequim Art Walk Color Theme is GOLD and all that glimmers brightly with hope! Gold is the color of our star Sol as we celebrate the Winter Solstice and the return of the sun during December. The impressive, shiny color of gold represents rekindled optimism, superb festivities, admiration, prosperity, kindhearted deeds, and lifelong fellowships. As you enjoy an evening on the town with family, friends, and guests who join our welcoming community, you will find works of art and folks supporting the option to dress in shades of gold or glittery interpretations of this festive time of year to celebrate happiness, harmony, and hope. Ugly holiday sweaters are most welcome!

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art.

Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

Special Events for December 1:

While on the Art Walk, play Elk on a Shelf that is a scavenger hunt for kids ages 15 and under. Get your Game Cards at participating storefronts. Bring completed cards to drop off at any participating business location by January 2 by 5:00 PM and winners announced January 3. More details at

The A. Milligan Art Studio and Gallery at 520 N. Sequim Avenue hosts the Olympic Peninsula Art Association’s Members Show and Fundraiser. It promises to be an exciting evening! Visitors to the Gallery will have a chance to vote for their favorite works of art and the “People’s Choice Awards” will be presented to the winners that night during the reception.

A Silent Auction of various items from area businesses and individual donations will also be held during the Sequim Art Walk. Proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the OPAA’s Art Scholarship Program. This year’s scholarship reward recipients will also have their artworks on display. So, come join us for some tasty bites and refreshments at this annual fundraising event showcasing the diverse works and various talents of the artist members of the OPAA. The A. Milligan Art Gallery is located at 520 N. Sequim Avenue, between the Olympic Theatre Arts Center and the Sequim Museum and Arts Center.

La Petite Maison Blanche at 213 E Washington St. features painter Lynne Fearman with uniquely curated gifts and festive treats throughout the shop.

For the Art Walk, visit Sofie’s Florist Pop-Up Christmas store at 463 West Washington St. next door to Essence Coffee. For over three decades, Sofie’s Florist has been a cherished part of our community, delivering fresh, high-quality artistic floral designs. 

Forage Gifts & Northwest Treasures at 121 W Washington Street features local and regional gifts and treats from around the area. Check out their unique gift boxes and fun gift items with Pacific Northwest and Sequim pride.

At the Sequim Museum & Arts, 544 N. Sequim Avenue in the Judith McInnes Tozzer Art Gallery, explore the Olympic Driftwood Sculptors (ODS) with works from many of the club’s forty-five members. At the reception, in addition to many completed sculptures, ODS members will have a demonstration table featuring driftwood sculpture art-in-progress, as well as tools used to coax out the hidden beauty from the raw wood. Founded in 2008, with an initial membership of twelve, ODS is 501(C)(3). In addition to monthly meetings and classes, the group participates in several shows a year. During the shows, money raised from the sale of raw driftwood, members created hand crafted items, and the sale of tickets for the annual driftwood sculpture raffle goes toward the funding of a local scholarship or educational program. The Olympic Driftwood Sculptors meet the first Wednesday of every month at the Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 S. Blake Avenue, Sequim, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Additional information about the Olympic Driftwood Sculptors may be found at

At the City of Sequim Civic Center at 152 W. Cedar Street from 5:00 to 6:00 PM, the Sequim Arts Commission invites the community to celebrate the 9th annual 4th-grade student holiday ornament display and tree lighting with Mayor Ferrell and the Sequim Arts Commission. All 4th grade students in the Sequim School District have been invited to create a holiday ornament inspired by the theme, “What Brings You Joy.” Light refreshments and joyous cheer will be aplenty. The City Arts Advisory Commission hosts the “Elemental; Fire, Water, Wood, Earth, Metal, Air” on view in the Karen Kuznek-Reese Gallery.

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. has the “Rowed To Gold” exhibition ushering in the Holiday season by paying tribute to the premier screening of “Boys in the Boat” taking place December 8th in Sequim. “Rowed To Gold” features gallery member’s art around all things rowing and water “We were so moved by the efforts of our high school students to bring this event to Sequim, we just had to show our support!” said gallery member Barb Boerighter. “Boys in the Boat” tells the story of Joe Rantz of Sequim and his teammates who won the Olympic gold medal in rowing during the 1936 Olympics. Blue Whole Gallery members applaud Sequim High School students. Their civic pride and persistence in lobbying Hollywood were instrumental in bringing this event to Sequim.  The Gallery supports their fundraising effort to provide housing for Sequim’s homeless students. The Gallery will accept cash and check donations for the Joe Rantz House during December on behalf of Sunrise Rotary and The Interact Club. Proceeds from the sale of selected art will be donated by gallery artists to the Joe Rantz House. The annual Gift Gallery will once again be showcased in the main gallery for the entire month of December with an assortment of affordable, artistic gift ideas for sale.

From 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Rainshadow Café at 157 West Cedar Street has live music with Dawn & Steve. Come sing your favorite songs with a full menu and drinks to enjoy. Some dancing is encouraged too.

Locally Known Cowork at 112 W Washington St. features artists Emma Gockerell and Kelli Ward.

Pacific Mist Books at 122 West Washington Street shares the love of reading and offers an eclectic mix of new and vintage books, cards, and gifts including local authors and artists. Kick off December and the Christmas season with a bountiful abundance of Nutcracker themed books and holiday cheer! Laurel Herrera of the Sequim Ballet, will be sharing her knowledge of the origins and transformation of the famous Nutcracker ballet, as well as homemade goodies! Stop by and celebrate with some Christmas cheer!!

Wild Goddess Brews-n-Bites at 145 E Washington Street Suite D has small bites, salads, dips, and boards. Have a comfy seat and enjoy a wide selection of beverages along with delightful live music.

From 5:30 to 7:30 PM, Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County’s Sequim Habitat Boutique Store at 213 E Washington St. has fabulous live music with OC!

Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St. has unique art including glass, pottery, illustration, and photography of local artists. You can also find artful, creative tea blends, colorful and fun teapots and cups, and cheerful culinary gifts.

Over the Fence, a destination home and garden store, at 118 E. Washington St. is hosting one of their local makers, Pat Reichner.

Locally created gifts don Cedarbrook Lavender Gift Shop at 120 W Washington Street has delightful farm fresh lavender creations, treats, and inspired vintage décor items.

Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St. enjoy award winning artfully crafted wines and appetizing tidbits.

Soup in the Alley at 138 W Washington features a rotation of local artists, live music, and treats.

Stroll over to the River House Bakery & Cafe at 120 W. Bell Street to enjoy the beautifully sumptuous colorful art of Barb Falk. Goodies Available.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you for your support!

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

Please join our Facebook Page

Thank you very much!

water way landscape quilt with multicolored clouds and orange sun

Walking on Sunshine for August 4 Yellow Themed Sequim First Friday Art Walk

Fueled by motivating sunshine, the theme color for the August Sequim Art Walk is Yellow! Yellow shines brightly like the sun fueling our world with renewing energy and encourages clear, creative communication. The positive intensity of yellow represents expressive enthusiasm, joyful happiness, cheerful friendships, and empowers collective generosity, goodwill, and integrity. Everyone is encouraged to wear yellow or bright Aloha printed apparel during the Art Walk to celebrate our summer in Sequim! Like the song says, “I’m walking on Sunshine! Wow! Don’t it feel good!” and you can dance too on August 4!

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art.

Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

August 4, 5:00 – 8:00 PM

Various Locations in Sequim

Special events for August 4:

“Sequim Granary” by Norma Herbold

The Sequim Museum & Arts at 544 N Sequim Avenue features exhibition in the Judith McInnes Tozzer Art Gallery Peninsula Art Quilters, a subgroup of the Sunbonnet Sue Quilt Club, consists of two dozen local quilters who enjoy the intersection of art and quilting. They encourage creative participation in a variety of genres of art quilting.

“Granary” by Peggy St. George

Peninsula Art Quilters (PAQ) members meet monthly at A Stitch in Time Quilt Shoppe in Sequim. Members will be in attendance, and some will be demonstrating the unusual techniques used in their art quilts. Their August show will feature unique art quilts that were inspired by group challenges. Members pick themes then create art quilts in response to them. This year’s themes include a Lavender Challenge, Sequim Granary Challenge, Great Masters’ Challenge, Sheer Magic (using transparent materials), and a Shadow Challenge. Additional one-of-a-kind art quilts will also be presented in the museum exhibit.

From 5:00 to 7:30 PM, Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County’s Sequim Habitat Boutique Store at 213 E Washington St., join the Habitat Clallam Art Auction where you will be able to bid on over 20 unique and amazing items such as the ones pictured. All proceeds from the auction help support our programs providing affordable housing right here in our community.

At Centennial Place Park on the northeast corner of Sequim Avenue and Washington Street, the City Arts Advisory Commission hosts outdoors at 5:00 to 7:00 PM the First Friday Music Jam. They request that you bring your own chair to participate and enjoy the music.

Anne Milligan in her studio

The A. Milligan Art Studio and Gallery at 520 N. Sequim Avenue hosts Guest Artist Michael C. Medler a local photographer and poet. He owns many cameras and shoots using a variety of films, which he artfully processes himself. His stunning black and white photo collection, “Sequim Backroads”, will be on display in the Main Gallery and available for purchase; as well as his two collections of poetry, “Boundary Points” and “Cresting the Salish”. Anne Milligan’s Pastel Studio will be open with some works in progress and finished pieces on display there as well in the Digital Studio.

“Blue Mood Rising” by John Bertholl

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. has the “Catching the Drift of Nature” Art Exhibit with John Bertholl and Doc Pangborn. Both John and Doc take their inspiration from nature and the wonders of the Olympic Peninsula. John lived most of his life in Juneau, Alaska. He caught the creative bug later in life after retirement when taking a driftwood art class. John walks along beaches now noticing shapes and curves hidden in the wood he hadn’t seen before, seeing faces, foxes, fish, and more. He then began to experiment with finishes and fell in love with resin, sealing the wood so it could be in or out. Next, he discovered dyes,” Wow! Color changed everything.” When working on his pieces John becomes so excited by his art he even forgets to eat the cookies his wife bakes for him. He says the pieces appear to be moving which is why he started his company, Driftwood in Motion. John mounts his pieces in many creative ways on rocks, glass, wood, and even a mirror. Friends bring him unusual pieces of wood and he is available for commissioned pieces.

“Margie’s Lavender Farm” by Doc Pangborn

Doc has been a creator for decades building custom furniture and cabinetry in the Atlanta area. When visiting family on the Olympic Peninsula he and his wife found it to be an amazing place and love now calling Sequim their home. Recently Doc has been painting more florals and mountain scenes exploring the use of palette knives and the spontaneity of texture he gets with them. Painting clouds has become an integral part of his paintings as they drift forming over the mountains, marine layer, or the water. Doc said, “I was overwhelmed by the variety of subjects for new paintings. Snowcapped mountains are 10 miles to the south with elk, cougar, deer, and amazing views from the peaks; The Strait of San Juan de Fuca and the Salish Sea are five miles to the north, with all the sea life orcas, sea lions, ducks, salmon, sea stars, and the views of everchanging water and clouds. What struck me most was the vastness of the views, such a wonderful place for an artist to live.”

Emma Gockerell pointillism

Locally Known Cowork at 112 W Washington St. features artist Emma Gockerell. Emma shares, I am a local face painter and artist. I love pointillism and adding every dot by hand in every piece of artwork I create. A mom of four and a veteran. Happy to be local in Sequim.”

The Olympic Theatre Arts Center at 414 N. Sequim Ave. at 7:00 PM, come and see the beloved tale of Robin Hood come to life once again with Olympic Theatre Arts’ Young Thespians in the comedic retelling – “The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood.”  It sure is hard to be humble when you’re a swashbuckling, egocentric super-hero. But our gallant guy-in-green tries his best as he swaggers through The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood, a frantically funny, Monty Pythonesque retelling of the classic. This time around, the legendary hero, in his never-ending quest to aid the needy, encounters such an eclectic cast of characters that you’ve got an irreverent jaunt through Sherwood Forest you won’t soon forget! Running in August for just two weekends only, make sure to get your tickets soon at with Adults at $20 and Students at $15.

“Kayak” by Diane-Fatzinger

Pacific Mist Books at 122 West Washington Street is hosting local poet Dianne Lynn Knox and her newest collection of poems, “Red Hot Pepper” and local artist Diane Fatzinger of Sticks ‘N Stones Designs with her delightful Wee Pebble Art! Pacific Mist Books shares the love of reading and offers an eclectic mix of new and vintage books, cards, and gifts including local authors and artists.

From 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Rainshadow Café at 157 West Cedar Street has live music with Dawn & Steve. Come sing your favorite songs with a full menu and drinks to enjoy. Some dancing is encouraged too.

Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St. has unique art including glass, pottery, illustration, and photography of local artists. You can also find artful, creative tea blends, colorful and fun teapots and cups, and cheerful culinary gifts.

Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St. enjoy award winning artfully crafted wines and appetizing tidbits with local art and live music.

Soup in the Alley at 138 W Washington features a rotation of local artists, live music, and treats.

Cedarbrook Lavender Gift Shop at 120 W Washington Street contains a plethora of lovely lavender products and unique local artists art and gifts.

“Peace by the Pond” by Mary B. Truly

At 5:00 PM during the First Friday Art Walk Sequim, La Petite Maison Blanche at 213 E Washington St. will have their celebratory Ribbon Cutting with the Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce. La Petite Maison Blanche is featuring artwork and children’s books by artist and author Mary B. Truly. If you haven’t strolled down to this new venue, it is worth the small walk with samples and contains local treats and gifts.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities.

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

Please join our Facebook Page

Thank you for your support!

flowers along a wall

June 2 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Dazzles with White and Spectrum Color Theme

First Friday Art Walk Sequim

June 2, 2023, 5:00 – 8:00 PM

Various Venues in Sequim WA

June 2 Art Walk color theme is WHITE and the whole visible spectrum! White represents inclusive acceptance, hope, open minds, pure and thoughtful actions, friendly impressions, and blank canvases that are receptive to any positive vision. Because white is actually all the colors of the rainbow, multi-color enchantment is in the air with blowing bubbles, the wearing of fairy wings, and spreading glittery pixie dust is encouraged! It is a chance to dress in white and rainbow colors, be magical, shiny, and show off every color of the visible spectrum! Bright tye-dyes are perfect!

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art.

Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

Special events for June 2:

New Venue for the Art Walk!

Anne Milligan in Pastel Studio

The A. Milligan Art Studio and Gallery at 520 N. Sequim Avenue welcomes you to enjoy refreshments and light treats at the “Opening Preview” as you visit with artist Anne Milligan in her working studio and soon-to-be-open Art Gallery. Her digital and pastel paintings will be on exhibit and for sale in this historic and charming 123-year-old bungalow.

Spring Blooms in Italy by A. Milligan

Anne says, “There are many similarities between pastel and digital painting. Each has it’s own challenges and appeal, but there is nothing like the feeling of holding that pastel stick of pure pigment in your hand and being totally immersed in the mess of the process” Come check out one of the oldest, but newest venues on the Sequim Art Walk, across from the high school and between the Olympic Theatre Arts Center the Sequim Museum and Arts Center.

Sequim Museum & Arts at 544 N Sequim Avenue will have “A Photographic Journey” which is Olympic Peaks Camera Club exhibition in the Judith McInnes Tozzer Art Gallery.  Olympic Peaks Camera Club’s (OPCC) mission is to connect, educate, and support photographers from beginner to professional all across the North Olympic Peninsula, including Sequim, Port Angeles, Port Townsend and surrounding areas.  OPCC provides everyone who joins an opportunity to explore the art and craft of photography. They provide multiple activities each month for members to learn and practice photographic skills. The exhibition of 12 artists runs from May 31 to June 24, 2023.  

Mindy in Flowers by Jean Wyatt

Forage Gifts & Northwest Treasures at 121 W Washington Street features artist Jean Wyatt of J Wyatt Art, with her colorful works in acrylic, pencil, and various media. Jean states, “I like to create art that make me smile and happy when I look at it. My art is meant to be fun…often a little off-beat.”

Cedarbrook Lavender Gift Shop at 120 W Washington Street is hosting talented glass artist Susan Zarit. Susan originally began her career as a French and History teacher. She then transitioned into advocacy for non-profits. Her passion, however, has always been in glass art and helping others. She now spends her time creating art. Her award-winning work has been sold nation-wide, as well as internationally. She makes custom stained and fused glass art. Proceeds from each sale benefit local charities.

Picture This by Marilyn Evans

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. has “Picture This #26” as the Blue Whole Gallery was born 26 years ago in Sequim. The name comes from pilots flying over the area, referring to it as the blue hole in the clouds. It was changed, by our founders, to The Blue Whole Gallery in order to highlight the inclusion of many diverse art forms on display in the gallery. It began with just 14 artists and by the end of the first year, there were over 40. The Blue Whole Gallery is a co-op gallery with about 30 members. Members pay dues, work in the gallery and share in the different jobs the gallery requires. The Blue Whole benefits not only the members but also our community. The Gallery provides venues for other art forms such as the Olympic Peninsula Authors event, Writer’s Read, where the local authors share their work with the community on a monthly basis. We highlight student artists each month and provide a scholarship to a local student each year. The Blue Whole also supports local non-profits by partnering with them in their fundraising activities. Coming up with a theme for our 26th anniversary fell to long time member, Mary Franchini, who agreed to take on the roll as curator of the event. “When I said I would curate the group show”, Franchini said, “I had to come up with a theme. Thankfully, our lovely friend and volunteer Karen Teig came to my rescue! Karen found the 26th wedding anniversary is dubbed the Picture Anniversary. How perfect is that for an art gallery! This theme gives every member the opportunity to show the community one of their favorite pieces of work.”

Pacific Mist – Books, Cards & Gifts at 122 West Washington Street is hosting a “Jump Into Summer Reading” sale, where I’ll have a variety of used children’s & young adult books for sale.

From 5:30 to 7:30 PM, Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County’s Sequim Habitat Boutique Store at 213 E Washington St. has fabulous live music with OC!

From 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Rainshadow Café at 157 West Cedar Street has live music with Dawn & Steve. Come sing your favorite songs with a full menu and drinks to enjoy. Some dancing is encouraged too.

Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St. has live music with Cherrywood from 6 to 8 PM! This acoustic duo of Bob and Verna Allen, Cherrywood Music will do some acoustic classics, and acoustic versions of classic rock and country songs. There is sing along too! You know Bob of Black Diamond Junction. Also enjoy award winning artfully crafted wines and appetizing tidbits.

Soup in the Alley at 138 W Washington features a rotation of local artists, live music, and treats.

The City of Sequim and the City Arts Advisory Commission hosts the “Digital Origins; Artistic Expression Through Technology” art exhibition at the Sequim Civic Center at 152 W. Cedar Street. You can also discover the Sequim Irrigation Festival Community Art Project on display where the 128th festival logo has been colorized by community members in an amazing collaboration.

Olympic Theatre Arts at 414 N Sequim Avenue has the play “The Nerd” at 7:00 PM. Ticket information is at The hilarious dilemma of a young architect who is visited by a fellow ex-GI whom he has never met but who saved his life after he was seriously wounded in Vietnam. Willum is delighted when Rick shows up unexpectedly at his apartment on the night of his thirty-fourth birthday party. However, Rick’s awkward manner and inappropriate behavior throw the occasion into shambles.

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. ­January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities.

Thank you very much for your support!

Start the New Year Shiny in Silver for the January 6 First Friday Art Walk Sequim

Start the New Year Shiny in Silver for the January 6 First Friday Art Walk Sequim

January 6 Sequim Art Walk Color Theme is SILVER with hints of black and white to celebrate the New Year filled with idealistic goals for the future, optimistic hope, and civic reflection. The sparkly color of silver represents shimmering thoughtfulness, honorable dedication, shiny aloft ideals, confident inclusion and equity, untarnished resilience, imaginative aspirations, and revolutionary receptiveness. To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly color themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it.

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art.

Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

Special Events on January 6:

Pacific Mist – Books, Cards & Gifts at 122 West Washington Street hosts Sequim artist and author Mary Beth Beuke of West Coast Sea Glass who is a creator of fine silver and sea glass jewelry, bulk sea glass, beach gifts, sea glass book, and photography. A Pacific Northwest native, Mary Beth has grown up along and extensively traveled the North American continent’s west coast and more. She has spent a lifetime along the shore, living, working, studying and recreating on beaches all over the world.

Mary Beth founded the West Coast Sea Glass company in 1998. She has studied jewelry design, metal smithing and had been creating wearable art for over forty years. “The unique beauty of sea glass is that each piece is distinct from the next and has been on a one-of-a-kind journey. I believe the piece of sea glass usually dictates the form of jewelry that it will eventually find itself in and I am committed to moving the West Coast Sea Glass line into fresh, artistic directions”, states Mary Beth.

Stained Glass Sky by Jean Glaser
Salish Sea II by Deborah Harrison

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. features “The Joy of Creativity” with Jean Glaser, painter of animal portraits, and mixed media sculptor Deborah Harrison. Jean Glaser shares, “Art has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have a BFA from Arizona State in Ceramics and have shown in galleries in Scottsdale, Arizona, in Park City & Salt Lake City, Utah, and now in Sequim, Washington. I worked for over 30 years in the medium of food and restaurants, including my own. I began painting full-time in 2009, animals being my main subjects. Now I sculpt with brushes and paints. My favorite mediums are acrylic on paper, mixed media, and collage. While I am painting an animal it feels as though we are having a conversation; as the conversation progresses the animal’s essence emerges.”

Deborah Harrison states, “Ever since I was a child I have been mesmerized by the translucent beauty of stained glass. All grown up now, I still am allured by its magic: the dance of light with glistening textures and rich, bold colors captivates me. I enjoy taking risks and experimenting. Several years ago, I invented a novel approach, with pleasing results: I layer the glass.  Not only does this technique give a three-dimensional aspect, but it also adds a rich complexity to my designs. My current subject matter reflects my deep love for the wild landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. I especially enjoy using a rippled glass called ‘water-glass’. When natural light shines through it, the blue hues shimmer, and give the sensation of gazing upon sunlit waters.

“Jewel of the Olympics: Lake Crescent” portrays my favorite picnic spot. Whenever I behold this gorgeous lake, I feel calmed and nourished.  And when I gaze upon this glass rendition, it transports me right to my favorite spot, and I feel peaceful. My series entitled “The Salish Sea” also uses water glass to capture the sparkle of the blue waves against a backdrop of gently flowing landscapes. My creative expression seems to always be evolving. I make it a point to reflect on what part of it brings me the most joy. And I keep steering in that direction. My delight in the beauty of glass has guided me thus far, and I am glad, for my brain cells still light up with pleasure when I behold its magic.”

“Dahlias in Garden” by Jean Wyatt

Starting at 5:00 PM, City of Sequim and the City Arts Advisory Commission hosts the First Friday Open Music Jam and “Let’s Explore Color” Art Exhibition Reception at the Sequim Civic Center, located at 152 W. Cedar Street. Until 7:00 PM, bring your acoustic instrument and/or your voice and join us for an informal gathering of people who like to make music and meet the visual artists in this juried art exhibit with light refreshments.

Due to the triple threat of influenza, Covid, and RSV along with an abundance of caution and community care, the Eighth Annual “Whodunnit Downtown? – The Case of the Sterling Reputation” Mystery Game is postponed to January 2024.

Thank you for your support and understanding! Kitty Sterling Sterling thanks you too!

In January, several of our Art Walk venues often take time for family and friends. Please support their reflective and refresh time with a return to the First Friday Art Walk in February.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you for your support!

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

Please join our Facebook Page Thank you very much!

Fiber Arts and Orange Themed October 7 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Spices Up Art in the Evening

Fiber Arts and Orange Themed October 7 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Spices Up Art in the Evening

October 7 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Color Theme is ORANGE! Orange is one of the brighter colors in fall as summer fades away. Orange is warm, spicy, energizing, appetizing, sweet, zesty, and inspires optimism and active participation. The hospitable hue of orange reminds us of cozy fires, snuggly seasonal sweaters, nesting and organizing, friendship made out of admirable interests, delightful sweets, encouraging teachers and mentors. You will find works of art and folks supporting the option to dress in shades of orange or spicy fall colors as they enjoy an evening on the town with friends and family.

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art.

Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

Special Events for October 7:

The 17th Annual North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival continues including the fiber arts exhibition “Interlaced Lore – Adventure, Fellowship, & Perseverance” at the Sequim Museum & Arts at 544 N Sequim Ave. During the Art Walk reception, many fiber artists and fiber arts advocates will be demonstrating their passion and artistry.

Tiny Bubbles by Marla Varner

“Interlaced Lore – Adventure, Fellowship, & Perseverance” artists include Lora Armstrong, Libby Ballard, Lynn Baritelle, Holly Bliss, Renne Emiko Brock, Donna Lee Dowdney, Liisa Fagerlund, Susanne Foster, Jennifer Harris, Estelle Jackson, Lee E. Johnson, Susan Kroll, Robin Nelson, Jennifer O’Brien, Betty Oppenheimer, Pauline Schultz, Peggy St. George, Marla Varner, Chandra Wu, and Jean Wyatt.

Floral Cascade by Lara Armstrong

This fiber arts exhibition embraces fantastical and very true stories of endurance and friendship through heroic efforts, tests and trials, collaborations, and leading by example. The treasured gift of creativity is within all who seek it. No map can guide you as you craft it yourself through valiant efforts, tests, and epic dye mix takes. Gather fabric stashes, skeins of yarn, courageous companions, and wise mentors to prepare for this everlasting journey of fiber art. What legends of dedication, commitment to bound connections, intertwined myths, and persistence weave stories within your art?

Motion is Lotion by Liisa Fagerlund

The North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival is an opportunity to experience positive inclusion, creative expression, encouraged education, the economic enterprise of art, and fostering fiber arts. Join us for this interactive fiber arts event connecting to the community with activities like a museum exhibition, educational demonstrations of fiber processes, hands-on experiences for children and adults, Fiber Arts Market of local artists’ work and fiber supplies, and information about local fiber activities, groups, businesses, and instructional resources.

Lucy by Steve Wry

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. features “Bow Wow” a special exhibit to support W.A.G. (Welfare for Animals Guild) which rescues and adopts out disadvantaged dogs in this area by donating proceeds from the sale of selected art pieces.

Done For The Day by Jolene Sanborn

Veteran artists, ceramicist Janet Piccola and painter Patricia Starr will curate the windows with original fine art related to ‘people’s best friends, dogs.’ Included in the exhibit are two and three-dimensional pieces, and jewelry. 

Dreamer by Ryoko Toyama

Inside, there will be more artwork related to ‘Bow Wow.’ Members of the gallery invite the community to this special exhibit of fine art supporting a local Sequim cause.

Forage Gifts & Northwest Treasures at 121 W Washington Street features local artists and inspired gifts by our state and the Olympic Peninsula. The featured artist during the Art Walk is Susan Kelly-Killeen of Naturally Sooz. She does clay pottery and creates leaf design pottery inspired by nature and the leaves of the season. She will be there in person to speak on the process to make her leaf pottery. Her passion for clay and gardening has blended for a unique outcome with nature for functional pieces of art.

“Wee Pebble Art”
Caitlin’s Origami Creations

Pacific Mist at 122 W. Washington will be featuring SticksNStones “Wee Pebble Art” and Caitlin’s Origami Creations during October’s First Friday Art Walk.  Diane has created endearing one of a kind original handmade “Wee Pebble Art” using itty bitty pebbles, driftwood, twigs, ferns, shells, and the tiniest of seaglass.  Caitlin has expanded her origami creations from tiny hearts to now include original earrings and flying dinosaurs.  October will feature Caitlin’s origami pumpkins!

“Sunrays (fractal)” by Dan Brewer

At the City of Sequim Civic Center at 152 W. Cedar Street, the City Arts Advisory Commission hosts at 5:00 to 7:00 PM the First Friday Open Music Jam. Bring your acoustic instrument and/or your voice and join us for an informal gathering of people who like to make music. Chairs provided. In the Karen Kuznek-Reese Gallery, the juried exhibition is “Solstice”.

Dawn & Steve

From 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Rainshadow Café at 157 West Cedar Street has live music with Dawn & Steve. Come sing your favorite songs with a full menu and drinks to enjoy. Some dancing is encouraged too.

From 5:00 to 7:30 PM, Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County’s Sequim Habitat Boutique Store at 213 E Washington St. has fabulous live music with OC!

Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St. has unique art including glass, pottery, illustration, and photography of local artists. You can also find artful, creative tea blends, colorful and fun teapots and cups, and cheerful culinary gifts.

Locally created gifts don Cedarbrook Lavender Gift Shop at 120 W Washington Street has delightful farm fresh lavender creations, treats, and inspired vintage décor items.

Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St. enjoy award winning artfully crafted wines and appetizing tidbits. From 6:00 – 8:00 PM, MIXED COMPANY, features Jon Faverty on the violin, Karen Faverty on the bass and Irish whistle and Bob Warner on the guitar. An energetic merging of guitar, bass and violin, blended into a wide range of genres, creating unique styles of folk, jazz, Irish, bluegrass and sweet classics from around the world. You’ll enjoy MIXED COMPANY versions of songs by Django Reinhardt, Bill Monroe, Vassar Clemons, George Gershwin, Hoagie Carmichael, Jay Unger, Cole Porter and more. Get ready for a “Mixed” playing palette for your listening pleasure!

Soup in the Alley at 138 W Washington features a rotation of local artists, live music, and treats.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you for your support!

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

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Stroll on the Sunny Side of the Street for August 5 Sequim First Friday Art Walk with Yellow Theme

Stroll on the Sunny Side of the Street for August 5 Sequim First Friday Art Walk with Yellow Theme

August 5, 5:00 – 8:00 PM

Various Locations in Sequim

“Leave your worry on the doorstep, Just direct your feet, On the sunny side of the street.” Stroll or dance in the summer sunshine with the yellow theme color for the August Art Walk! Yellow shines brightly like the sun fueling our world with renewing energy and encourages clear, creative communication. The positive intensity of yellow represents expressive enthusiasm, joyful happiness, positive friendships, and empowers collective generosity, goodwill, and integrity. Everyone is encouraged to wear yellow or cheerful, fun apparel during the Art Walk to celebrate our Sunny Sequim! 

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5 – 8 p.m. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art.

Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

Special events for August 5:

From 5:00 to 7:30 PM, Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County’s Sequim Habitat Boutique Store at 213 E Washington St. has the Habitat Clallam “Create for Chair-ity” Art Auction and fabulous live music with OC! They are hosting their “Create for CHAIR-ity” Silent Auction with 16 uniquely, artistically created and designed one of kind chairs as a collaboration with First Friday Art Walk Sequim. Join the party and make a bid!

Forage Gifts & Northwest Treasures at 121 W Washington Street, Mikie Smith of Full Moon Candle is their featured artist for the month of August. She will display candle fragrances in several style options and speak on the process of candle making. Mikie with explain the collaboration in making custom candles specifically for Forage Gifts to represent Sequim. Learn from the artist directly during the Art Walk.

“Summer Bouquet” by Sheri Whetstine

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. features “Joy in the world with an element of whimsy” with artists glass designer Sheri Whetstine and ceramicist Steve Wry.

Sheri Cox Whetstine states, “Since 2006 I have been exploring the possibilities glass offers, which seem limited only by my imagination. I love to tackle new ideas and try new techniques. I continue to take classes and draw upon the expertise of others willing to share their knowledge. I love how a solid, flat piece of glass can be, merely by adding heat, transformed into a thing of beauty, either by intent or chance. I love the predictable unpredictability of warm glass. I can have an idea in mind and create specifically for the desired effect, but there are sometimes things that happen in the kiln which simply cannot be controlled. I can cut pieces of glass and arrange them with a specific design in mind, or I can put lots of random pieces together and let fate decide the outcome. There may be clean, precise lines and edges, or the glass can swirl and wave into whatever pattern it will, in organized chaos. Each piece of glass is carefully thought out, designed, hand-cut, assembled, fused, then slumped or draped (bent into or over a mold). Most pieces, whether large or small, have upwards of 80 hours invested in their creation. The fusing process takes approximately 20 hours and reaches a peak temperature of 1600̊ F, depending on the process. The slumping or draping process also takes on average 14 to 20 hours, sometimes much longer. Oftentimes there are multiple tests of different colors of glass in the kiln to see how they look after firing before the final decision is made. And there are more failures than successes in the kiln. Each piece of glass is completely original as it is nearly impossible to recreate the same piece twice, no matter how hard I try! And while I do continue to produce pieces that are inspired by my imagination, I also am happy to work with clients on commissions and help bring their ideas to fruition.”

“smooch” by Steve Wry

Stephen Wry shares, “As a ceramic artist, I try to express the joy in the world as I see it. I love to share my ideas about what might be out there in the world that we just are not aware of. Who knows what’s out there? I try to approach each piece with an element of whimsy and a fervent desire to not take myself or my work too seriously. I work with low-fire clay and glaze as well as Raku and Salt firing. I attended California State University in Fullerton, where I majored in ceramics. I minored in Art History and graduated with a B.A. in Fine Arts.”

The Sequim Museum & Arts at 544 N Sequim Avenue features the Peninsula Art Quilters. Ten artists from the Peninsula Art Quilters group a sub group of Sunbonnet Sue Quilt Club will be displaying a wide variety of art quilts and dimensional works.

Olympic Theatre Arts Center at 414 N. Sequim Ave. has a performance of “The Hobbit” at 7:00 PM Friday night. Tickets available online and at the box office. “The Hobbit” is set within Tolkien’s fictional universe of Middle-Earth and follows the quest of home-loving Bilbo Baggins, the titular hobbit, to win a share of the treasure guarded by the dragon, Smaug. Bilbo’s journey takes him from his light-hearted, rural surroundings into more sinister and wild territory.

“Clear Water Stream” by Melissa Doyel

At the City of Sequim Civic Center at 152 W. Cedar Street, the City Arts Advisory Commission hosts at 5:00 to 7:00 PM the First Friday Open Music Jam. Bring your acoustic instrument and/or your voice and join us for an informal gathering of people who like to make music. Inside the Civic Center, view from 5:00 to 8:00 PM in the Karen Kuznek-Reese Gallery the juried exhibition “Pacific Northwest Wonder.”

From 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Rainshadow Café at 157 West Cedar Street has live music with Dawn & Steve. Come sing your favorite songs with a full menu and drinks to enjoy. Some dancing is encouraged too.

Locally created gifts don Cedarbrook Lavender Gift Shop at 120 W Washington Street has delightful farm fresh lavender creations, treats, and inspired vintage décor items.

Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St. has heart filled unique art including glass, pottery, illustration, and photography of local artists. You can also find artful, creative tea blends, colorful and fun tea pots and cups, and cheerful culinary gifts.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you for your support!

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

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Thank you very much!

Red, White, and Blue Makes Purple for the Sequim Art Walk on July 1

Red, White, and Blue Makes Purple for the Sequim Art Walk on July 1

First Friday Art Walk Sequim

July 1, 2022, 5:00 – 8:00 PM

Various Venues in Sequim WA

July 1 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Color Theme is PURPLE! Purple is the color of Sequim’s famous lavender blooms, and the color purple represents mesmerizing potential, magical camaraderie, thoughtfulness, cultivated dignity, supportive spiritual significance, and impressive extravagance. Those sweet lavender flowers come in purple, violet, mauve, orchid, lilac, indigo, amethyst, plum, pink, and even white. You will find works of art and folks supporting the option to dress in tints and shades of purple as fellow Sequimmers prepare for Sequim Lavender Season. Come out and celebrate what makes Sequim so special!

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art.

Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

Special events for July 1:

Forage Gifts & Northwest Treasures at 121 W Washington Street is hosting Jeremiah and Danika Johnson of Miss Bee Haven Apiary, food artisans and local farm. From 5 to 7:00 PM, Jeremiah will be here to speak on beekeeping and their honey operation.

“The Nature” by June Echternkamp

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. celebrates “Finding Magic in Nature” with featuring stained glass artist June Echternkamp and abstract photographer Katherine Loveland.  June and Katherine express their feelings toward nature, captivated by the moment of light shining over the object, live or animated. 

June Echternkamp states, “I didn’t start out as a stained glass artist but as an oil artist. Along the way, I was fortunate enough to sell my paintings and also garnered several awards and ribbons. What changed was when for one of my birthdays, my husband gave me an eight-week course in stained glass.  The course was taught by an acquaintance of ours who was /is a celebrated artist and teacher in California.  Shortly after this, we moved to Arizona. While living in Arizona, my husband passed away. My son and I returned to Washington and the Olympic Peninsula. After we moved here I joined the Blue Whole Gallery and was asked to display my stained glass. I have sold a few pieces and have met some really wonderful fellow artists. My personal thought and philosophy: ‘Art should make your heart sing and your soul dance.’” 

“MILKWOOD SEED POD” by Katherine Loveland

Katherine Loveland shares, “As a little girl playing on the beach, I loved to imagine myself growing small enough to walk into a periwinkle to its very center. I alone knew the secret touch to open the tight-fitting door in the middle.  As the door opened, the periwinkle would say to me ‘Now you know my magic!’ Finding the “magic” in nature is my passion. My abstract photographs allow the viewer to see nature in a new way allowing them to know the “secret touch” to discover nature’s magic.” 

Linda’s Loft

Pacific Mist – Books, Cards & Gifts at 122 West Washington Street hosts artist Diane Fatzinger. Diane Fatzinger, SticksNStones, will have her one of a kind original handmade “wee little artwork” created using pebbles, driftwood, twigs, ferns, shells, and seaglass. Linda Entrikin from Linda’s Loft will feature her beautiful original hand crafted book bags.  

“The Bay is Calm” by Ryoko Tamaya
“Clear Water Stream” by Melissa Doyel

At the City of Sequim Civic Center at 152 W. Cedar Street, the City Arts Advisory Commission (CAAC) hosts the “Pacific Northwest Wonder” juried exhibition in the Karen Kuznek-Reese Gallery. The exhibition will be on view from July 1 – September 29. The CAAC will have their First Friday open house, with Open Music Jam from 5:00 – 7:00 PM at the civic center. Light refreshments will be served.

From 5:00 to 7:30 PM, Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County’s Sequim Habitat Boutique Store at 213 E Washington St. has a local artist and Live Music by The OG.

Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St. hosts live music TIN SANDWICH, a local duo Marty and Marilyn Kaler performing some blues along with a little rock from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Wind Rose Cellars is also hosting Peninsula Art Friends water medium art exhibit along with award winning wines and tasty treats.

Locally created gifts don Cedarbrook Lavender Gift Shop at 120 W Washington Street has delightful farm fresh lavender creations, treats, and inspired vintage décor items.

Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St. has heart filled unique art including glass, pottery, illustration, and photography of local artists. You can also find artful, creative tea blends, colorful and fun tea pots and cups, and cheerful culinary gifts.

From 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Rainshadow Café at 157 West Cedar Street has live music with Dawn & Steve. Come sing your favorite songs with a full menu and drinks to enjoy. Some dancing is encouraged too.

With the theme of “All American Jazz”, the Stardust Big Band will be performing a concert at Olympic Theatre Arts Center on Friday, July 1 at 7:00 PM at 414 North Sequim Avenue. Tickets are $20 ($17.76 promo code USA) and $5 students at the OTA box office or online. Founded in 1990, Stardust has long been known for its presentations of cherished favorites from the Big Band era of the 1930s and 1940s. Often playing for dancers, this time Stardust will be presenting some of its favorite arrangements in concert format.Tickets are available at the theatre box office from 1:00 – 4:00PM, Tuesday through Friday or online at For further information, call the theatre at 360-683-7326.

The Sequim Museum & Arts at 544 N Sequim Avenue features “The American West, A Celebration. Photographic essay by Jeff Hart” in the  Judith McInnes Tozzer Art Gallery. Jeff Hart’s photography is about: Healing and calming the human psyche…evoking feelings of happiness and contentment…capturing scenes of awe and wonder…celebrating our spiritual connection to nature and humanity.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you for your support!

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

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